영어 문장의 단수를 복수로, 복수를 단수로 변환해 주세요! 1. This is a bus 2. That is a box 3.It is an orange 4. These are English books 5. Those are Chinese books 6. They are my pencils

영어 문장의 단수를 복수로, 복수를 단수로 변환해 주세요! 1. This is a bus 2. That is a box 3.It is an orange 4. These are English books 5. Those are Chinese books 6. They are my pencils

Those are boxes.
♪ They are oranges.
This is an English book.
That is a Chinese book.
It's my pencil.
Those are boxes.
This is an English book.
- What is an Chinese book.
This is my pencil.
또한, They are my pencils.이 말은 옳지 않다.They는 대명사로, 사람을 의미하며, 그들을 의미한다.원래의 문장은 뉘앙스일거야. (Those/Those are my pencils)
도움이 되었으면 좋겠다!
1. These are buses.
2. Those are boxes.
3. They are some oranges.
4. This is an Engilsh book.
5. That is a Chinese book.
6. It is my pencil.