Help me English sentence singular into plural, plural into singular! 1.This is a bus 2.That is a box 3.It is an orange 4.These are English books 5.Those are Chinese books 6.They are my pencils

Help me English sentence singular into plural, plural into singular! 1.This is a bus 2.That is a box 3.It is an orange 4.These are English books 5.Those are Chinese books 6.They are my pencils

These are buses.
Those are boxes.
They are oranges.
This is an English book.
That is a Chinese book.
It's my pencil.
These are buses.
Those are boxes.
This is an English book.
That is an Chinese book.
This is my pencil.
In addition, they are my pencils. This sentence is wrong. They are pronouns that refer to people. These / those are my pencils
Hope to help you.
1.These are buses.
2.Those are boxes.
3.They are some oranges.
4.This is an Engilsh book.
5.That is a Chinese book.
6.It is my pencil.
Math experts help to solve the complex number problem, thanks!
Explain why | Z | ^ 2 = conjugate complex number, that is, why the square of complex modulus is equal to conjugate complex number
The question is wrong and cannot be answered
|Z | ^ 2 = | a + bi | ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2, and the conjugate complex of complex z = a + bi = a-bi is not equal
But the square of complex modulus = the square of conjugate complex modulus = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2
English people, English people, English people, English people
I hope to sum up the English words like Germany, Japan, China, Korea and France
America: America
American, American: American
UK: Britain, England, the United Kingdom
The British, the English
Germany: Germany
German, German: German
Japan: Japan
Japanese, Japanese: Japenese
China: China
Chinese, Chinese: Chinese
Korean, Korean: Korean
France: France
French, French: French
American (s) is similar to Germany and Romans
British simple complex homotype
China, Chinese and Japan, Japanese
How to transform the polar equation r = R (θ) into a parametric equation
The parameter equation is usually selected for the convenience of discussion or calculation, while the polar coordinates are usually selected when the discussion of rectangular coordinates is not so simple
The parameter t here is the angle
It can also be regarded as the parameter equation of θ
The appropriate parameters should be selected according to the actual equation
The polar coordinates (R, θ) of a point are transformed into parameter coordinates (RCOs θ, rsin θ)
How to spell the English plural of monkey
Hope to help you, don't forget to adopt
Any parameter equation can be transformed into rectangular coordinate equation and polar coordinate equation
The answer is wrong. Can you give me a counter example?
There are only a few ways to convert the parametric equation into rectangular coordinate equation in senior high school. The parametric equation of typical graphics should be remembered. In fact, this problem will not test you to give counter examples. Because there are many counter examples that can be given but can not be proved. For example, the circle x = a + R cos θ y = B + R sin θ (θ belongs to [0,2 π)) is changed to x =
Is vegetable countable
This should be discussed in different situations
(1) E.g. there are two vegetables in my vegetable garden;
(2) E.g.we should of eat vegetable which is good for us
It's countable.
S is added after vegetable
As a plant means uncountable, vegetables must be countable
Of course, it's countable. How about that?
It's a countable noun
It must be counted
1. Change polar coordinate equation into rectangular coordinate equation, and explain figure α = π / 3 2. Change parameter equation into ordinary equation
(1) x=2+at
Y = 1 + (a + 1) t (t is a parameter)
(2) x=-1+tcosα
Y = Tsin α (t is a parameter, and 0
(3) Wrong x = - 1 + TCOS α
Y = Tsin α (α is the parameter, t > 0)
(1) It is clear that the equation is a straight line (2) with a slope of (a + 1) / A and passing through point (2,1) by eliminating t to get cos α = 1 / 2; sin α = two-thirds of the root 2 and y = (x + 1) / root 3
1. He'd like some beef and vegetable dumpings____ some dumplings _____ beef and
1. He'd like some beef and vegetable dumpings
He ____ some dumplings _____ beef and______ .
2. I want to drink something
I want ____ ____ ____ .
He _ wants___ some dumplings ___ with__ beef and__ vegetable____ .
I want _ something___ __ to__ __ drink__ .
preferrs with vegetables
something to drink
want with vegetables
something to drink
What is the difference between the parametric equation of a polar circle and that of a polar circle?
When the center of the circle is at the coordinate origin,
The polar coordinate equation of a circle is: r = m (where m is a constant and represents the radius of the circle)
The polar parameter equation of a circle is as follows:
Where R is a constant, representing the radius of the circle, and θ is a parameter, representing the angle of the angle of the point on the circle
The original parametric equation is two variables, which are the coordinates of the point on the X and Y axes. Polar coordinates are also two variables, polar axis and corresponding angle
The polar equation of a circle is expressed by multiplying the polar axis by the corresponding cosine, and the parametric equation is expressed directly
Polar coordinate equation is mainly expressed in trigonometric form, including polar axis P, polar angle a, for example: x = pcosa, y = psina, while parameter equation is more arbitrary, which can be expressed in trigonometric form, for example, in conic (ellipse, hyperbola and parabola) more often; it can also use general parameters, for example, straight line only uses one parameter t
The geometric meaning of parameters is different
For example, x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 4x
Where t is the angle between the x-axis and the ray AP formed by a point P (x, y) and the center a (2, 0)
Here, ρ is the distance from a point P (x, y) on the circle to the pole, that is, the origin of the coordinate 0