A point starts from a certain point on the number axis, first moves 5 unit lengths to the right, and then moves 2 unit lengths to the left. If the number represented by this point is 1, then the number represented by the starting point should be 1______ .

A point starts from a certain point on the number axis, first moves 5 unit lengths to the right, and then moves 2 unit lengths to the left. If the number represented by this point is 1, then the number represented by the starting point should be 1______ .

As shown in the figure: 1 move 2 units to the right, the length is 3, and then move 5 units to the left, the length is - 2
In a word, on the one hand, on the other hand. And so on
On the other hand, on the other hand, before the road of all time
Given the function f (x) = LG (x + A / x) (a ∈ R) (1), find the domain of definition of F (x)
(2) If a = {y | y = f (x), X ∈ [1 / 2,2]}, B = [- 1,1], and a &; B, find the value range of negative number a
the sooner the better
(1) 1. A = 0, then x > 0
2. A > 0, then x + A / X is the check function, x > 0
3. A0, multiply X by both sides to get x ^ 2 + a > 0
Given the function f (x) = log12 [(12) x − 1], (1) find the domain of definition of F (x); & nbsp; & nbsp; (2) discuss the increase and decrease of function f (x)
(1) From (12) X-1 > 0, the definition field of {x | x < 0}. (2) let x1 < x2 < 0, ∵ y = (12) X-1 be a decreasing function, ∵ f (x) = log12x be a decreasing function, ∵ log12 [(12) x1-1] < log12 [(12) x2-1], ∵ f (x) = log12 [(12) x − 1] be an increasing function on (- ∞, 0)
On the number axis, point m represents negative 2. Now, starting from point m, move 3 length units to the right to point P, and then move 4 length units to the left from point P to point Q
1. What numbers do P and Q represent?
2. After arriving at the Q point, which direction can we move several length units to return to the origin?
P is + 1
Q is - 3
Move 3 more squares to the right
I'm just a freshman in junior high school
What are the phrases in English composition?
For example, on the one hand, on the other hand, first of all, second of all, on the other hand, last of all, and more importantly of this kind
For example, so as to about, on, with District of, on the one hand, the side... On the other side, first, second, second, last, finally, last, finally
For example therefore concerning on the other hand on the other hand first the next at last and in addition and more important and this type of
Given the x power of function f (x) = 2 + LG (x + 1) - 2, it is proved that f (x) is an increasing function in the domain of definition
Because 2 ^ x is an increasing function, LG (x + 1) is also an increasing function, so f is an increasing function
It is proved that the function f (x) = 2 is x-square + LG (x + 1) - 2
Then the domain is x > - 1
Let a = f (x + a) - f (x) where a > 0
Then a = 2 ^ (x + a) - 2 ^ x + LG (x + A + 1) - LG (x + 1)
2 ^ A-1 > 0 [(x + A + 1) / (x + 1)] > 1
So a is always greater than 0
It shows that when the value of x increases, the value of function also increases
It is proved that f (x) is an increasing function in the domain of definition
Derivative function
The derivative function of x power of 2 is 2in2 > 0
LG (x + 1) is 1 / (x + 1) > 0;
So the derivative of F (x) is greater than 0
The definition field of function f (x) = 1 / [Log1 / 2 (1-x)] is
Why is x greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one?
1-x should be greater than 0, so x is less than 1. As the denominator, the log value cannot be 0, so 1-x is not equal to 1, so x is not equal to 0
First, log (a) B A is the base, B is the true number
Let log (a) B = C, its original meaning is a ^ C = B
1. We first stipulate that a ≠ 1. This is 1 ^ C = 1
If a ≠ 1 is allowed and C can only be 1, the logarithm is meaningless.
2. In fact, in theory, the cardinality can be negative,
Log (- 2) 64 =? Answer: (- 2) ^? = 64,? = 6... Expand
First, log (a) B A is the base, B is the true number
Let log (a) B = C, its original meaning is a ^ C = B
1. We first stipulate that a ≠ 1. This is 1 ^ C = 1
If a ≠ 1 is allowed and C can only be 1, the logarithm is meaningless.
2. In fact, in theory, the cardinality can be negative,
Log (- 2) 64 =? Answer: (- 2) ^? = 64,? = 6
Log (+ 2) 64 =? Answer: (+ 2) ^? = 64,? = 6
The answer is 6
Because (- 2) ^ 6, you can judge the sign first, (- 2) ^ 6 = 2 ^ 6
In this way, there is no need for two sets of operation methods.
This is why we stipulate that the base must be positive.
Since the base is positive, no matter how many powers it has, the result is positive
log(3)?=4, ?=3^4=81
This determines that the true number can not be negative, or "negative number has no logarithm".
Unfortunately, too many people or teachers emphasize "recitation" rather than "understanding".
To sum up, we have three requirements:
1. Base > 0
2. True number > 0
3. Base ≠ 1
Now back to the title of the building owner:
Let 1 - x > 0, x < 1
In addition, the whole denominator cannot be 0,
Let 1 - x ≠ 1, X ≠ 0
In fact, logarithm itself also requires: 1 - x ≠ 1, X ≠ 0
The final answer is: (- ∞, 0) ∪ (0, 1)
The answers in the book are correct, only half given. Put it away
P starts from the origin of the number axis, moves 2 units to the right, and then moves 5 units to the left. At this time, the number represented by P is______ .
According to the meaning of the question: 0 + (+ 2) + (- 5) = - 3, that is, the number represented by point P is - 3, so the answer is: - 3
make myself a cup of tea ;make the
Make yourself a cup of tea
Make the beds
Make your own tea; make your own bed
Make yourself a cup of tea; make your bed