There is no need to translate three word phrases into English

There is no need to translate three word phrases into English

don't have to
A word or phrase of frequency in English
Always > usually > often > sometimes > seldom > hardly ever > never
never hardly sometimes often usually always
seldom,how often
twice , once ,sometime ,ever,heardly ,three times a week ,four times a week
how often, seldom, never, hardly ever, once a week, twice a week.
Read the following and use this conclusion (or variant) to answer the three questions in the following question:
(1) If point P is the midpoint of line Mn, then MP = PN = 12mn (2) if point P is any point of line Mn, then MP = mn-pn as shown in Figure 1, there are three points a, B, C on the known number axis, point B is the midpoint of AC, and the corresponding number of C is 200. ① if BC = 300, find the corresponding number of point a. ② under the condition of Figure 1, as shown in Figure 2, moving points P and Q move left from two points at the same time, and moving point R starts from point a When moving to the right, the velocities of points P, Q and R are respectively 10 unit lengths per second, 5 unit lengths per second and 2 unit lengths per second. Point m is the midpoint of line PR, and point n is the midpoint of RQ. The number of seconds exactly satisfies Mr = 4rn (regardless of the situation after the meeting of point R and point q). ③ under the condition of (1), as shown in figure (3), if the corresponding numbers of points E and D are - 800 and 0 respectively, the moving points P and Q start from E Two points P and d start to move to the left at the same time. The velocities of points P and Q are 10 unit lengths per second and 5 unit lengths per second respectively. Point m is the midpoint of line PQ. Does the value of 32qc-am change when point Q moves from point d to point a? If not, find the value. If not, explain the reason
(2) (1) ∵ BC = 300, ab = 12ac, ∵ AC = 600, point C corresponds to 200, ∵ a corresponds to 200-600 = - 400; (2) when x seconds, q is on the right side of R, it just satisfies Mr = 4rn, ∵ Mr = (10 + 2) × X2, RN = 12 [600 - (5 + 2) x], ∵ Mr = 4rn, ∵ 10 + 2) × x2 = 4 × 12 [600 - (5 + 2) x], ∵ Mr = 4rn, ∵ 10 + 2) × x2 = 4 × 12 [600 - (5 + 2)
Frequency words in English
Never seldom sometimesof ten commonly always and so on
often. Always every day, never
Given that the domain of the open cube of the function f (x) = ax + 1 △ ax square + 4ax + 3 is r, the value range of the real number a is obtained
According to the meaning of the problem, if the domain of definition of the open cube is a real number r, then ax ^ 2 + 4ax + 3 ≠ 0, that is, there is no intersection between the parabola and the x-axis, so the discriminant
Given that the function f (x) = a * 2 ^ X-B / 2 ^ x + B is an odd function defined on R, the image of its inverse function passes through the point (1 / 3,1) (1) the value of a, B (2) if x
Given that the function f (x) = a * 2 ^ X-B / 2 ^ x + B is an odd function defined on R, the image of its inverse function passes through (1 / 3,1) (1) the value of a, B (2). If x belongs to (- 1,1), the inequality F-1 (x) > = log2 1 + X / M holds, the value range of M is obtained
(2) F-1 (x) = log2 [1 / (1-1.5x)] ≥ log2 (1 + X / M), [1 / (1-1.5x)] ≥ (1 + X / M), because x ∈ (- 1,1), right (- infinity, - 3) ∪ (3 / 5, + infinity), there is no minimum, m belongs to &;
Given that there are three points a, B, C, ab = 1 / 2Ac on the number axis, the number corresponding to point C is 200 (1). If BC = 3oo, find the number corresponding to point a (2) under the condition of (1),
The corresponding number of points E and D is - 800,0. The moving points P and Q move to the left from E and D at the same time. The velocities of points P and Q are 10 unit lengths per second and 5 unit lengths per second respectively. Point m is the midpoint of line segment PQ. Does the value of 3 / 2qc-am change when point Q moves from point d to point a? If it does not change, find the value; if it changes, please explain the reason
1. BC = 300, ab = AC / 2, so AB = 600
Point C corresponds to 200
Point a 200-600 = - 400
2. Set X seconds
Solution x = 60
3. Let the elapsed time be y
Then PE = 10Y, QD = 5Y
So the PQ point is [0 - (- 800)] + 10y-5y = 800 + 5Y
Half is (800 + 5Y) / 2
So the AM point is (800 + 5Y) / 2 + 5y-400 = 15y / 2
QC = 200 + 5Y
So 3qc / 2-AM = 3 (200 + 5Y) / 2-15y / 2 = 300 is the fixed value
So AB = 2 / BC = 300, AC = 1
Point C corresponds to 200
Point a 200-600 = - 400
2. Set X seconds
Solution x = 60
3. Constant, speed (10 + 5) 10 = 3:2
Let the elapsed time be y
Then PE = 10Y, QD = 5Y
So the PQ point is [...]
1. BC = 300, ab = AC / 2, so AB = 600
Point C corresponds to 200
Point a 200-600 = - 400
2. Set X seconds
Solution x = 60
3. Constant, speed (10 + 5) 10 = 3:2
Let the elapsed time be y
Then PE = 10Y, QD = 5Y
So the PQ point is [0 - (- 800)] + 10y-5y = 800 + 5Y
Half is (800 + 5Y) / 2
So the AM point is (800 + 5Y) / 2 + 5y-400 = 15y / 2
QC = 200 + 5Y
So 3qc / 2-AM = 3 (200 + 5Y) / 2-15y / 2 = 300 is the fixed value
Given that the definition field of function y = (3 √ x + 1) / (AX ^ 2 + 4ax + 3) is r, the value range of real number a = =
The title is wrong,
The numerator has explained that x must be nonnegative, so the domain of function definition cannot be r
F (x) = A2 ^ X-1 / 2 ^ x + 1 is the inverse function of odd function defined on R
Quick solution
The inverse function is y = log2 {X-1 + √ [(1-x) ^ 2 + 4A]}
On the number axis, the number represented by point a is 1, and the bug starts from point a and crawls to the right along the number axis at the speed of 5 units per second to the back of point B
Immediately return to point a along the original path, and it takes 9 seconds. What is the unit length of the crawling path? What is the number of points B?
What's the way for the insect to crawl
S = 5 * 9 = 45 (unit length)
The distance between point B and point a is 5 * 9 / 2 = 22.5
Then the coordinate of point B is 1 + 22.5 = 23.5