Given the function f (x) = LG (the square of ax - the square of BX) (a greater than 1, b greater than 0), (1) find the domain of definition of y = f (x)

Given the function f (x) = LG (the square of ax - the square of BX) (a greater than 1, b greater than 0), (1) find the domain of definition of y = f (x)

(1) From a ^ X-B ^ x > 0, (A / b) ^ x > 1 = (A / b) ^ 0, because (A / b) > 1, so x > 0, that is, the definition field of F (x) is (0, + ∞) (2) any x1, X2 ∈ (0, + ∞), and x1 < X2, f (x1) = ln (ax1-bx1), f (x2) = ln (ax2-bx2) (ax1-bx1) - (ax2-bx2) = (ax1-ax2) + (bx2-bx1) ∵ a
If f (x) = 1 / √ [Log1 / 2 bottom (2x + 1)], then the definition field of F (x) is ㏒ and the 1 / 2 next to it is the bottom
Domain must satisfy
2X + 1 > 0, that is x > - 1 / 2
Log1 / 2 (2x + 1) > 0, that is 2x + 1
The point a on the number axis represents - 3. Move the point a to the right by 7 units, and then to the left by 5 units, then the distance from the point a to the origin is______ A unit length
According to the meaning of the question, the number is: - 3 + 7-5 = - 1. ∵ - 1 the distance from the origin is: 1 unit length. At this time, the distance from point a to the origin is 1 unit length. So the answer is 1
how about having a cup of tea Yes ,I'd like to.
How about a cup of tea?
OK, I like it
If you still don't understand, you can continue to ask (^ o ^)/~
Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?
Yes, I will
How about a cup of tea? Yes, I'd love to
Given that the domain of y = f (x) is [0,2], then the domain of G (x) = f (x ^ 2) / 1 + LG (x + 1) is
0 in F (X & # 178;)
Greater than - 1 and less than or equal to root 2
The range of function y = x / x square - x + 1?
Y = x / x square - x + 1 = 1 / (x + 1 / x-1)
When x ≥ 0, x + 1 / X ≥ 2, y = 1 / (x + 1 / x-1) ≤ 1 / (2-1) = 1
(negative infinity, 1) and (1. Positive infinity)
Y = x / (xsquare - x + 1)
Because for any x, X squared - x + 1 > 0
So let any value of y = x / (xsquare - x + 1) be a
Then x / (xsquare - x + 1) = a
Because y can take the value of a, so the above equation has a solution, Dai Er TA is greater than or equal to 0
As shown in the figure, a point starts from the origin on the number axis, first moves 2 unit lengths to the right, and then moves 5 unit lengths to the left. You can see that the end point is - 3. It is known that a and B are points on the number axis. Please refer to the figure and think about it. Complete the following questions. (1) if the number represented by point a is - 1, and point a moves 4 unit lengths to the right, then the number represented by end point B is______ What is the distance between a and B______ (2) if point a represents the number 2 and moves point a six unit length to the left and three unit length to the right, then the number represented by end point B is______ What is the distance between a and B______ (3) if the number m represented by point a moves point a to the right by N units of length, and then to the left by P units of length, then please guess what the number represented by end point B is______ What is the distance between a and B______ .
What does I make myself a cup of tea mean?
I made myself a cup of tea
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you
I made myself a cup of tea.
I don't know if it has extended meaning.
A cup of tea
Therefore, this sentence should be that I have found what I like.
It is known that the function f (x) = LG [(A2-1) x2 + (a + 1) x + 1]. The range of F (x) is the range of R to find the real number A. (A2-1) X2 is the square of a (minus 1) times X
Help. Thank you
A 2-1) x 2 + (a + 1) x + 1 > 0
A = - 1
Discriminant (a + 1) ^ 2-4 (a ^ 2-1)
On the monotonicity of union function x + 1
f(x)=x/(x+1) = 1 -1/(x+1)
When x > - 1, x + 1 > 0, 1 / (x + 1) decreases monotonically,
F (x) = x / (x + 1) = 1 - 1 / (x + 1) increases monotonically;
When x