then can sell their beef( ) a high price in the market A in bwith cat don why do you use at? Does at have this usage

then can sell their beef( ) a high price in the market A in bwith cat don why do you use at? Does at have this usage

at.price It's a fixed match at the price of
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At a low / high price
Don't ask more about the fixed collocation of prepositions, mainly by recitation.
Choose C
They can sell their beef at a high price in the market.
The preposition "at" is used here to express... Price
At means with... Price, speed, amount
A problem of polar coordinates and parametric equation
The curve represented by the parametric equation x = t + 1 / t y = 2 is
a. One ray B, one straight line C, two straight lines D, two rays
It's two rays. Choose D
there are all kinds of vegetable in the market
There are all kinds of vegetable in the market
What's wrong
Use the plural when it comes to categories
Help me solve a high school polar coordinates and parametric equation problem!
In the rectangular coordinate system xoy, the polar coordinate system is established with o as the pole and the positive half axis of X as the polar axis. The polar coordinate equation of curve C is ρ sin (θ - π / 3) = 1. M and N are the intersection points of C, X and Y axes respectively
(1) Write out the rectangular coordinate equation of C and find the polar coordinates of M and n;
(2) Let the midpoint of Mn be p, and find the polar coordinate equation of line Op
(1) Let's take the equation of ρ cosin = 0 / 2 as the polar coordinate of ρ cosin = 0 / 2
The chicken in the market is 35 yuan.The Chicken is the supermarket is 38 yuan
The chicken in the market is 35 yuan.The Chicken is the supermarket is 38 yuan
The chicken is the supermarket is____ _____ those in the market .
The chicken is 35 yuan in the market and 38 yuan in the supermarket .
The chicken in the market is( cheaper than) those in the supermarket.
The chicken in the supermarket is(more expensive than ) those in the market
The above two sentences are correct.
The chicken is 35 yuan in the market and 38 yuan in the supermarket .
The chicken in the market is( cheaper than) those in the supermarket
It is known that the parameter equation of parabola C1 is x = 8t2y = 8t (t is the parameter), and the polar coordinate equation of circle C2 is ρ = R (r > 0). If a straight line with slope 1 passes through the focus of parabola C1 and is tangent to circle C2, then R = ()
A. 1B. 22C. 2D. 2
From x = 8t2y = 8t, y2 = 8x is obtained. So the focus coordinate of the parabola C1 is (2, 0), and then from ρ = R, ρ 2 = R2, that is, X2 + y2 = R2. Then the equation of the straight line passing through the parabola with the focus slope of 1 is y-0 = X-2, that is, x-y-2 = 0. Because the straight line is tangent to C2, r = |− 2 | 12 + (− 1) 2 = 2
The first sentence is seeds, in, put, the, soil, the second sentence is sprout, can, see, you, a
Put & nbsp; the & nbsp; seeds & nbsp; in & nbsp; the & nbsp; soil. & nbsp; you can & nbsp; see & nbsp; a & nbsp; sprout. & nbsp; you can see sprouts
1.Put the seeds in the soil.
2.You can see a sprout.
1.put the seeds in the soil
2. Can you see a sprout
Or you can see a sprout
1 put the seeds in the soil
2 can you see a sprout
Put the seeds in the soil.
You can see a sprout.
Can you see a sprout?
Polar coordinates and Parametric Equations II
(2) let the parameter equation of line l be x = 2 + TCOS α, y = Tsin α (t is the parameter)
By substituting it into the equation x ∧ 2 + (y + 2) ∧ 2 = 4 of circle m, we can get
It can be seen that T1 + T2 = - 4 (COS α + sin α), t1t2 = 4
∵ L has two intersections with circle M
If Δ is greater than 0, then 0 <α<π / 2
∵ CA = AB, let CA = T1, CB = T2, then 2t1 = T2
Simultaneous (T 1 + T 1 + 2, α = 4)
The solution is T1 = - 2, T2 = - 2 √ 2
The results are as follows: 1
The solution is tan α = 8 ± 3 √ 3
So the slope of line L is 8 ± 3 √ 3
PS: CA = AB is there a vector? It's a little difficult. No, I can't (> 0_
Give me more time, thank you. Take your time ~ you can do this problem by restoring the polar coordinates to a rectangular coordinate system with X as the abscissa and y as the ordinate.
According to the concept of polar coordinates, we can know: x = PCOS θ, y = PSIN θ
The polar coordinate equation of the original line is expanded as follows
P (sin θ cos π / 4 + cos θ sin π / 4) = 2 / 2
Because cos π / 4 and sin π / 4 are equal to the root of 2
So, the reduction is: PSIN θ + PCOS θ = 1
That is: X... expansion
Give me more time to ask: Thank you. Take your time~
You can name spell please
can you spell your name please?
Can you spell your name please ?
Can you spell your name, please?
In polar coordinates, if the curves ρ = - 4sin θ and ρ cos = 1 intersect at points a and B, then | ab|=
1) 2=-4Psinθ
The center of the circle is (0, - 2) r = 2
So the distance from the center of the circle to the straight line is 1
And because the radius is two
Half of the distance that can be calculated by Pythagorean theorem is radical 3 AB = 2 radical 3
If it's not very clear, you can draw a diagram to combine the numbers and shapes, and it's easy to work out
come on.
ρ = - 4sin θ is transformed into the ordinary equation: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 4Y = 0
ρ cos = 1 is transformed into the ordinary equation: x = 1
Lianlide: a (1,0), B (1, - 4)
So: ab = 4
I've spent a lot of effort on this question, right!!! )
Their method is OK, but a bit troublesome
You should learn the parameter equation. This problem is not as good as using the parameter equation. Using the parameter meaning of straight line (usually the number T in books), it is very easy to find the distance of ab
I will not explain it in detail if I mention it casually
ρ = - 4sin θ is transformed into the ordinary equation: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 4Y = 0
ρ cos = 1 is transformed into the ordinary equation: x = 1
Lianlide: a (1,0), B (1, - 4)
So: ab = 4