What is plural and singular in English?

What is plural and singular in English?

The singular number means one quantity, and the plural number means more than one. Generally, the plural number is followed by S. of course, special cases are different
What's the difference between the preposition after the superlative adjective: in of?
Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three.
He works (the) hardest in his class.
Under what circumstances should I use in and under what circumstances should I use of
A comparison between people or things of the same kind
In + location / time range
For example:
Mary is the tallest of all the girls in the class
Mary and all the girls are similar
In the class
Of denotes the affiliation... And in means inside.... It's just a slight difference
A comparison between people or things of the same kind
In + location / time range
What our teacher said is
Of is followed by a collection of individuals, such as the three and all the trees
In is followed by something that originally represents a whole, such as class, school and company
I'm in ninth grade. Please don't blame me if it's not right
In is followed by the range of comparison, and of is followed by the object of comparison
What kind of after plural or singular
It is helpful for the responder to give an accurate answer
The singular form of adjunct
Reason: what kind of... Means a kind of... Here means to use singular or uncountable nouns directly
What kind of means "what kind of", followed by the noun singular
What kind of film
What kind of music
But there is a special one, that is
What kind of things
Things seems to be the plural of a noun, but in fact, it is an uncountable noun, which means "goods".
I don't know if I can
What kind of means "what kind of", followed by the noun singular
What kind of film
What kind of music
But there is a special one, that is
What kind of things
Things seems to be the plural of a noun, but in fact, it is an uncountable noun, which means "goods".
I don't know if I can help or not
Singular noun
Our teacher needs (a big desk)
what does your teacher need?
What does your teacher need?
Tom is the tallest in his class. / of all the students
Tom is the tallest in his class. / of all the students
I'm the one who answered your last question
In fact, you can ask me directly~
Students have no influence on this structure. It is the part of "in / of phrase". Whether the phrase is singular or plural has no influence
In this sentence, a noun is omitted after tallest
Tom is the tallest student in his class.
Use the sentence pattern above
Tom is the tallest student in his class
When the following prepositional phrase is of all the St
In this sentence, a noun is omitted after tallest
Tom is the tallest student in his class.
Use the sentence pattern above
Tom is the tallest student in his class
When the following prepositional phrase is of all the students, in order to avoid repetition, the former student is generally omitted. Put it away
What letter is a kind of vegetable?
(P) Pea
It's homophonic because it's pea.
I think it's peas
What's on the teacher's desk?
It is a book on the teacher's desk
there is a book on the teacher's desk
Don't mess up my desk
Yes No
The superlative range of adjective and adverb is the difference of preposition of & in
Of --- is the comparison of the same range of things, such as: three people, a highest, etc
A is the highest in the class, etc
What letters a vegetable:________ .
p. Pea: pea
under the__ 7__ desk is a ball, but you can't see it.she is__ 8__ english girl. 7.A.teacher B.teacher's
c.teachers' D.of teacher
8.A/ B.the C.an D.a
Possessive case of B NOUN
C starts with an