English translation 1.sell by retail 2.works of art 3.the last election 4.a popular song 5.wide and clean 6.a large round wooden table 7.the sick 8.colder and colder

English translation 1.sell by retail 2.works of art 3.the last election 4.a popular song 5.wide and clean 6.a large round wooden table 7.the sick 8.colder and colder

1. Retail
2. Works of Art
3. Last election
4. A pop song
5. Wide and clean
6. A big round wooden table
7. Diseases
8. It's getting colder and colder
1. Retail
2. Works of Art
3. Last election
4. Popular songs
5. Spacious and tidy
6. Big round wooden table
7. Patients
8. It's getting colder and colder
English translation
1.they know that if you exercise you will become healthier.
2.regular physical activity can help the body maintain,repair and improve itself.
3.health reasons alone are sufficient grounds for becoming a vegetarian.
4.continuing scientific and medical innovation ensure that more people recieve the treatment they require.
the general betterment of the quality of life.
5.people becoming more aware of the risk of various disease.
6.regular physical activity
10.grounds for
11.innovation ensure
14.general betterment
1. They all know that if you exercise, you will become healthier. 2. Regular physical activity can promote self maintenance, repair and improvement. 3. In terms of health reasons alone, it can be regarded as a good reason to become a vegetarian. 4. Continuous scientific and medical innovation can ensure that more people get the treatment they need
Which phrase is right? 1. A pair of new trousers 2. A new pair of trousers
I'd like to have a cup of tea,_______ ________ Antonym question
We can see (seven thirty) show in the evening
__________ _____________ can you see in the evening
I'd like to have a cup of tea,__ wouldn't_____ __ I______ This is the basic principle of affirmative or negative___ How much_______ ______ shows_______ Can you see in the evening
The monotone decreasing interval of function y = − 23x3 + (a + 1a) x2 − 2x + 4 (where a < - 1) is ()
A. (−∞,1a)、(a,+∞)B. (-∞,a)、(1a,+∞)C. (1a,a)D. (a,1a)
The derivative of the function y = - 23x3 + (a + 1a) x2 − 2x + 4 is y ′ = - 2x2 + 2 (a + 1a) x − 2, let y ′ < 0, then, (x-a) (x-1a) > 0, ∵ a < - 1, ∵ x > 1A, or the monotone decreasing interval of the function x < A is (- ∞, a), and (1a, + ∞), so B is selected
Given the function f (x) = 2x + 1 / x, judge whether f (x) is an increasing function or a decreasing function on (1, + infinity), and prove it
It is proved that: (1) when x = 2, f (2) = 1 / 6 of 2 * 2 + 2, that is, 1 / 6; when x = 3, f (3) = 1 / 9 of 2 * 3 + 3, that is, 1 / 9; therefore, f (x) is a decreasing function at (1, + infinity)
When a number moves six unit lengths to the right on the number axis, the corresponding point of its opposite number is obtained, then the opposite number of the number is ()
A. -3B. 3C. 6D. -6
After the point corresponding to a number on the number axis moves 6 units to the right, we get its opposite number, that is, the distance between the point corresponding to this number and its opposite number on the number axis is 6 unit length. Moreover, the distance between these two points and the origin is equal, and this point is on the left side of the origin, so this number is - 3. So we choose a
would you like( )cup of tea
A.other B.others C.another D.the other
It looks like this:
Would you like another cup of tea?
^___ ^
I wish you progress!
Don't forget to adopt!
Choose C
One after another
A or B or C or D
The monotone decreasing interval of function f (x) = 2x square - 3x square + 10 is
The opening is symmetrical on the axis X = 3 / 4
So the minus interval is (- ∞, 3 / 4)
It is proved that the function f (x) = (2x-1) / (x + 1) is a decreasing function on [1, + infinity]
How can f (x) = 1 be a decreasing function when x = 1? If the title is changed to prove that this function is an increasing function, the proof is as follows: let X1 > x2 ≥ 1F (x1) - f (x2) = (2x1-1) / (x1 + 1) - (2x2-1) / (x2 + 1) = (2x1x2 + 2x1-x2 -)
Jg_ In the answer of Zhou,
1 / (1 + x) decreases with the increase of X, but f (x) = 2-3 / (x + 1), so the function is increasing from 1 to infinity.
When x > = 1, 1 + x > = 2, 1 / (1 + x)