The short time phrase seems to be. Of time

The short time phrase seems to be. Of time

The references are as follows:
In a blink of an eye
= In a short time
Baidu education team [Haina Baichuan group] answers for you
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A point starts from the origin on the number axis. First move 3 units of length to the right, and then move 5 units of length to the left. You can see that the number represented by the end point is - 2,
Given that points a and B are points on the number axis, complete the following questions:
(1) If point a represents number 2, move point a five unit length to the left and then seven unit length to the right, then the number represented by end point B is (), and the distance between two points a and B is ()
(2) If point a represents the number - 4, move point a 135 unit length to the right and 150 unit length to the left, and the number represented by end point B is (), and the distance between two points a and B is ()
(1) If point a represents number 2, move point a 5 unit length to the left and then 7 unit length to the right, then the number represented by end point B is (4), and the distance between two points a and B is (2)
(2) If point a represents the number - 4, move point a 135 unit length to the right and 150 unit length to the left, the number represented by end point B is (- 19), and the distance between a and B is (15)
(1) If point a represents number 2, move point a 5 unit length to the left and then 7 unit length to the right, then the number represented by end point B is (2-5 + 7 = 4), and the distance between a and B is (| 4-2 | = 2)
(2) If point a represents the number - 4, move point a 135 unit length to the right and 150 unit length to the left, the number represented by end point B is (- 4 + 135-150 = - 19), and the distance between a and B is (| - 4 - (- 19) | = 15)... Expand
(1) If point a represents number 2, move point a 5 unit length to the left and then 7 unit length to the right, then the number represented by end point B is (2-5 + 7 = 4), and the distance between a and B is (| 4-2 | = 2)
(2) If point a represents the number - 4, move point a 135 unit length to the right and 150 unit length to the left, the number represented by end point B is (- 4 + 135-150 = - 19), and the distance between a and B is (| - 4 - (- 19) | = 15)
I'd like a cup of tea_____ like a cup of tea?
Would you
The function f (x) = LG [(A2-1) x2 + (a + 1) x + 1]. The range of F (x) is the range of R for real number a
Why is the discriminant greater than or equal to 0 when A2-1 > 0?
F (x) = LG [(A2-1) x2 + (a + 1) x + 1]. The value range of F (x) is r, which means that the true number T = (a ^ 2-1) x ^ 2 + (a + 1) x + 1 can take all positive numbers. When a ^ 2-1 = 0, a = 1 or a = - 1A = - 1, t = 1, y only 0, when a = 1, t = 2x + 1, when x > - 1 / 2, t ∈ (0, + ∞) conforms to the meaning. When a ^ 2-1 ≠ 0, if t can get
Given the function f (x) = 2x2-1 (I) prove that f (x) is an even function by definition; (II) prove that f (x) is a decreasing function on (- ∞, 0) by definition
(I) prove that the domain of definition of function f (x) is r, for any x ∈ R, f (- x) = 2 (- x) 2-1 = 2x2-1 = f (x), f (x) is even. (II) prove that if x1, X2 are taken in the interval (- ∞, 0), and x1 < X2, then f (x1) − f (x2) = (2x12 − 1) − (2x22 − 1) = 2 (x
When a number moves on the number axis, the number represented by this point will also change. (1) if point a starts from the origin and moves to the right three units of length,
What is the number of point a at this time?
(2) If point B starts from the origin and moves 3 units to the right, then 5 units to the left, what is the corresponding number of point B?
(1) If point a starts from the origin and moves 3 unit lengths to the right, then the corresponding number of point a is - 3;
(2) If point B starts from the origin and moves 3 units to the right, then 5 units to the left, what is the corresponding number of point B?
Corresponding digit - 2
Would you like a cup of tea
Yes,I'd like it.
No,I would't like it.
It's both positive and negative,
no.thank You
Yes, I like
Sure, appreciate your hospitality.
Good. Thank you for your hospitality
No, I'm good. Thank you though.
No, thank you
The one upstairs is right, too, but it's very written and stiff
Yes, piease.Thanks .
yes,i like
yes I ’ d like to
Given that the image of the function y = log13 (x + m) does not pass through the third quadrant, the value range of the real number m is______ .
∵ the image of function y = log13x passes through (1,0) and ∵ the image of function y = log13 (x + m) does not pass through the third quadrant ∵ the image of function y = log13x can not move more than one unit to the left ∵ m ≤ 1 ∵ the value range of real number m is (- ω, 1]
Given the function f (x) = x of X & # 178; + 2x + 3 (x belongs to {2, + infinity), it is proved that f (x) is an increasing function
Let x (x (x) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\wherex &; X &; > 4, i.e. X &; X &
If the corresponding point of a number on the number axis moves 5 units of length to the right to get the corresponding point of its opposite number, then the number is ()
A. -2B. 2C. 212D. -212
After the point corresponding to a number on the number axis moves 5 units to the right, its opposite number is obtained, that is, the distance between the point corresponding to this number and its opposite number on the number axis is 5 unit length. Moreover, the distance between these two points and the origin is equal, and this point is on the left side of the origin, so the number is - 212. So select D