Words expressing quantity in junior middle school English

Words expressing quantity in junior middle school English

There are no quantifiers in English
You can only use numbers or articles to express
Eg: a car / desk
Two cups of tea
A piece of new
Where should adjectives be added in the sentence pattern of numeral + noun expressing quantity + of?
For example, a pair of pants, if you want to change it into a pair of blue pants, where should blue be added? Is it all like this?
a pair of blue pants
The nouns after a pair of can be modified with adjectives, which are often placed after pair
If you don't understand, please call me
a pair of blue pants
The nouns after a pair of can be modified with adjectives, which are often placed after pair
I hope I can help you.
Ls answers are all right, a pair of blue pans, adj should be placed in front of the noun pans as attributive.
In fact, if you are not very clear about grammar, there is another trick, which is to follow our Chinese grammar.
A pair of blue pants, a pair of pants, according to the order, blue must be put in front of the pants!
Is it easy to remember like this?
In fact, many problems can be around our Chinese grammar to do memory, slowly you... Start
Ls answers are all right, a pair of blue pans, adj should be placed in front of the noun pans as attributive.
In fact, if you are not very clear about grammar, there is another trick, which is to follow our Chinese grammar.
A pair of blue pants, a pair of pants, according to the order, blue must be put in front of the pants!
Is it easy to remember like this?
In fact, many problems can be remembered around our Chinese grammar. Slowly, you will find that English grammar is actually very simple, which is not as difficult as Chinese
Hope to help you! Put it away
The last word and phrase in English!
Finally, at last, in the end
The more the better!
lastly:adv Finally, I want to point out that U ltimately:adv Finally, we hope ultimately to be able to buy a house of our own
finally=at last=in the end
Table last, final
In th end
At last
Words and phrases used to express "because" in English and their usage
Hope the more the better!!
for as much as
by reason of
in respect that
Most commonly used:
[bi5kCz, bE5kCz, bi5kEz]
[bI5kRz; (?@) bI5kC:z]
I do it because I like it.
I do it because I like it
He's called 'Ginger' because of his bright ginger hair.
He has light yellow hair, so he is called 'yellow hair'
He eats because of greed, not hunger.
He ate it not because he was hungry, but because he was greedy
AHD:[b¹-kôz“, -k¾z“]
D.J.:[bi6k%8z, -6k(z]
K.K.:[b!6k%z, -6k(z]
For the reason that; since.
Because in order to The cause of; due to
Middle English
Middle English
*See Also : because of
A traditional rule holds that the construction the reason is because is redundant, and should be avoided in favor of the reason is that. The usage is well established, however, and can be justified by analogy to constructions such as His purpose in calling her was so that she would be forewarned of the change in schedule or The last time I saw her was when she was leaving for college. All three constructions are somewhat less than graceful, however. · When because follows a negated verb phrase, it should be preceded by a comma when the because clause explains why the event did not occur. He didn't marry her, because she was frivolous means roughly, “Her frivolity was his reason for not marrying her.” When no comma is used, the because clause is understood as part of what is being negated. He didn't marry her because she was frivolous means roughly, “His reason for marrying her was independent of her frivolity.”
The traditional principle holds that the structure of the reason is because is too cumbersome and should be avoided, while the use of the reason is that is approved. This usage is widely accepted and can be proved to be correct by similar structures. For example, he calls her so that she can know the change of time arrangement in advance, Or the last time I saw her was when she was about to go to college. However, there are some imperfections in these three structures. When "because" is followed by a negative verb phrase, a comma should be added in front of it to show that the "because" clause explains why it didn't happen, He didn't marry her because she was frivolous, which roughly means, "the reason why he married her has nothing to do with her frivolity."
See: as
[bi5kCz, bE5kCz, bi5kEz]
John didn't attend the meeting because he was ill.
John didn't attend the meeting because he was ill
B-he is tired, he does not want to go with us.
He didn't want to go with us because he was too tired
I criticized him, not because I hate him but because I love him.
I criticize him not because I hate him, but because I love him
because of
I didn't go out because of the rain
reason is
In the back, people often use it
Instead of
[bi5kCz, bE5kCz, bi5kEz]
The opening clause
in respect that
Respect [respect]
[pl.] respect, greetings
Value, care, consider
Focus, aspect
Show respect to those who are older.
Respect the elderly
We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader .
We must be concerned with the needs of the general reader
I think you are wrong in every respect .
I think you are wrong in every way
They should do that without respect to race.
They should not be racist in doing that
Consider, value, care
Abide by, not violate
respect the ideas of others
Respect the opinions of others
respect oneself
dead weight
respect the law
Compliance with the law
respect privileges [property, neutral territory]
Respect [non aggression] privilege [ownership, neutral zone]
R-yourself, or no one else will.
A man must respect himself, and then others
command respect
It's awe inspiring
give one's respects to
Salute to
have respect for
Respect [attach importance to]
have respect to
Involved in
Taking into account
hold sb. in respect
Respect sb
in all respects (=in every respect)
No matter in what aspect [point], in all aspects
in many respects
in many ways
in no respect
In no way [in no way] is
in one respect
On one hand, on one point
in respect that
Because...; if you consider
in respect to [of]
Concerning, as far as... Is concerned; having an effect on
in some respects
in some ways
in that [this] respect
In that [this] respect
no respect of persons with
Have no partiality for
out of respect for sb.
Out of respect for sb
pay last respects to
Say goodbye to (the dead)
pay one's respects to sb.
Salute [salute] to; visit
pay respect to
Consider, consider, care for
send one's respects to
Say hello to
show respect for
Show respect for
win the respect of all
Respected everywhere
with respect to
without respect to [of]
Don't think about
As shown in the figure, we know that a, B and C are three points on the number axis
The moving points P and Q start from a and C at the same time and move along the positive direction of the number axis at the speed of six units and three units per second respectively. M is the midpoint of AP, n is on CQ, and CN = one third of CQ. Let the time be t (t > 0). When t is the value, one point of the origin o, P and Q is exactly the midpoint of the line segment connected by the other two points at three o'clock
A O B C →
A = - 10, C = 6, B = 2
Moving point P = - 10 + 6T
M is the midpoint of AP, so m = (- 10-10 + 6T) / 2 = - 10 + 3T
N=(6-3t+6)/2 =6- 3/2 t
O is the midpoint of PQ, so (M + n) / 2 = 0, M + n = 0, i.e. - 4 + 3 / 2, t = 0
The solution is t = 8 / 3 seconds
If the singular function y = f (x) with the domain R is a decreasing function and f (COS ^ α + sin α) + F (2m) > 0 holds, the range of M can be obtained
Therefore, f (COS ^ α + sin α) > - f (2m) = f (- 2m)
Because f (x) is a decreasing function
Therefore, cos ^ α + sin α 2m + 5 / 4
Because - 1
Finding the inverse function of y = Log1 / 2x
Your half is the base?
So the inverse function is y = (1 / 2) ^ X
Logarithmic function and exponential function are reciprocal functions
D is known that there are three points A.B.C on the number axis, ab = 1 / 2Ac, the number corresponding to point C is 200. (1) BC = 300, find the number corresponding to point A. (2) under the condition of (1)
Moving points P and Q move to the left from two points a and C at the same time, while moving point R moves to the right from point a. the velocities of points P, Q and R are 10 units / s and 5 units / s respectively. The velocities of points P, Q and R are 2 units / s. point m is the midpoint of line PR, and point n is the midpoint of line RQ. After how many seconds, it just satisfies Mr = 4rm (regardless of the situation when point R meets point q)
(1) B -100
(2) Mr = 4rm? Wrong title
Let f (x) be a decreasing function if 0
F (COS ^ 2A + 2msina) > F (2m + 2) using odd function right form deformation
Then 2m > (sina-1) + 2 / (sina-1) + 2 are obtained by deformation
If the formula is true, as long as the left formula is greater than the maximum value of the right formula, then turn to the maximum value of the right formula. Obviously, the right formula is the compound form of the sign function, and the maximum value - 1 is obtained from the image
Then the left type 2m > - 1 is enough
Then M > - 1 / 2
It is known that f (x) is an odd function defined on R when x
f^-1(x)=log(1/2) (x)=-log 2(x) (x>1)
=log2(-x) (x