That's the plural

That's the plural

These're their pencil-boxes
That's his pencil-boxes.
If the plural number is pencil box, then the plural number is pencil box
Thoese are his pencil-boxes.
If the whole sentence is changed to plural, then:
Thoese are their pencil-boxes.
Those are his pencil-boxes.
Those are their pencil-boxes.
Those are their pencil -boxes.
That are his pen--boxes.
Those nouns that end with letters become plural and end with ves, ES, S
Generally, the plural of words ending with f or Fe will go to f (FE) and become ves
And ES, after s, x, Z, there is a top with ES, and after o, we need to see. Generally, we say that there is life plus es, and there is no life plus s, such as hero (ES), potato (ES). These are all living things
Other plurals usually add s, and special cases ending with o are also explained above
At the end, we add ves to F, es to tomato and potato, and s to most of them.
For nouns ending with - f or - Fe, change - f or - Fe to - V and add - es
Heroes love tomatoes and potatoes
When to use vegetable? When to use vegetables?
I like vegetable.
Tomatoes, carrots and spinage are vegetables
The singular uses the original form,
Plural plus s,,,
Box plural
What are the plural words ending in o plus es?
It ends with O, sometimes with ES, sometimes with S example:potato (potato), tomato, hero, Negro, and so on. These are the living things
Rhino is rhino, plus s. Mosquito plus es. Volcano, you can also add es or S
No kangaroos, tomatoes, potatoes
Tomatoes are good vegetables or vegetables?
Vegetable vegetable is a general term, not countable
Tomato are good Vegtable
Who box is it
whose boxes are they ?
whose boxes are they/these/those?
whose boxes are they?
What are these? Those are boxes. what are these?these are boxes What are these? They are boxes. What are these? They are boxes
Add s or es at the end of the plural number of countable nouns. When does s or ES pronounce [S] and [Z]
Here are a few examples
Clear to clear map maps / S/
Turbid to turbid girl girls / Z/
Vowel to voiced photo - Photos / Z/
For vegetable or for vegetables?
for vegetables
It is a red pencil box
they are red pencil boxes