When English nouns are plural, they all add - S. why are there so many changes? Is it the need of form? What's the use of complex changes? Or, why not make improvements? Specifically,

When English nouns are plural, they all add - S. why are there so many changes? Is it the need of form? What's the use of complex changes? Or, why not make improvements? Specifically,

1. The irregular ones are left behind before, such as children
Some foreign words, such as photos
3. There is also the influence of pronunciation, the s sound plus s, unable to read, so add es, such as kisses, watches
What do you add to the plural of vowels
The plural consonant is to remove y and add ies
So what do vowels add
Do you add s to all vowels?
Do all these O's end with a, s, e?
Not necessarily. For example, a, e, I, u are all directly added with S. the end of O is special, with s added and ES added. For example, hero, potato, Negro, etc. add es, photo zoo, etc. there should be some pithy formula. In addition, zero can add s as well as es
Y is a semi vowel letter. When the consonant + y ends (like strawberry), y is changed to I and ES (strawberries); when the vowel + y ends, s is added directly (like toys keys), and so on
I hope I can help you!
Is the verb singular or plural?
Listen!The class __ in the classroom.
A.is sing B.is singing C.are sing D.are singing
What should I choose for this question?
Choose D
Class as a whole is singular
Our class is very good
The students in our class (the members of the group) are plural
For example, this is what you mean in your question
There are similar words like family
where's the bag?I don't know
ts is on the dresser?No,it isn't
Change the complex number! Change the package, change the package (complex number)
Where are my book?I don't konw.Are they on the bed?
No,thy're not.
Change the complex number or the singular number
Where are the bags?I don't know.Are they on the dresser?No,they aren't.Where is my book?I don't know.Is It on the bed? No, it isn't
A noun ending with a vowel + O, plus - S. then why is the plural of embryo embryos?
There are two rules for changing the noun ending with O into plural: 1. O is preceded by a consonant - plus es, such as potato = > potato = > tomatoes. 2. O is preceded by a vowel - plus s, such as patio = > patiosradio = > rodeoszoo = > zoo
Is the countable noun after the plural or singular? Please give an example
The is not related to the singular and plural at all, it is specific in the sentence
for instance:
The sharps have very sharp tea
The shark is getting mad!
The is a definite article, indicating a specific thing, regardless of the singular and plural.
Odd and negative numbers are OK
the boy is jim
the kind of potatoes is freash
All right, the has nothing to do with the singular and plural
The apples are mine
The + complex number can also be used to denote a kind
The table is broken
In addition, the + adjective can also mean a kind of person, the poor
It depends on the actual situation
If you refer to a person, use the singular
If you mean a group, use the plural
Note: sometimes the adjective after the can indicate a kind of people, such as the blind and the poor
Why do some plurals in English add es and some add s?
Is there any mystery in it?
1. The plural form of most countable nouns is to add the suffix - s at the end of the word
2. For words ending with s, Z, x, CH and sh, the plural number is formed by adding the suffix - es at the end of the word
3. For nouns ending with consonant + y, change y to I and add - es
After vowel + S
Because two consonants can't be together
It has to be separated by vowels
CH, SH, X end with ES,
O ends with only two es, potato and tomato
The others are plus s
There is a mystery.
In general, s is added;
The following is the case of adding es:
At the end of 1 s, x, SH, CH, add es: buses; boxes; brushes;
At the end of 2 O, hero, Negro, potato and tomato should be followed by es
How to add "s" or "es"
S or es?
Add s and change bamboo. Basically, OO ends with s directly
Plus s
Must be!!
Is the predicate singular or plural
Plural, Chinese is a collective noun
The Chinese are great.
What's the situation of English plural + s, +'s, + es?
Case construction method pronunciation example words__________________________________________________ After reading, the consonants are voiced and voiced_________________________________________ ...