Result plural

Result plural

I wish you progress in your studies and make progress! (*^__ ^ *
If you don't, you can ask me again:)
The plural is results
Isn't there no plural in this word? Do you think it can be divided into singular and plural when you see an a in the phrase as a result?
By the way, the difference between the other and the other is whether they add the singular or the plural or something else
In the negative sentence, any means "some", followed by plural or uncountable nouns. In the affirmative sentence, any means "any", followed by singular or uncountable nouns. The other means the other (some). Generally, one is used more with the other ,the other… ;...
When the antecedent is one of, the relative pronoun is the subject, and the predicate verb is singular or plural
Use the plural, but if one of is preceded by the only, the antecedent is one
Your support is my motivation! I wish learning progress! Thank you!
When the antecedent is one of..., the relative pronoun is the subject and the predicate verb is plural; when the antecedent is the one of..., the relative pronoun is the subject and the predicate verb is singular.
For example:
Tom is one of the students who have been to America.
Tom is the one of the students who has been to America.
Let me give you two examples
He is one of the boys who like playing football
Who refers to boys, so the subject and the predicate are alike
He is the one of the boys who likes playing football
He is the one+(……) The head word falls on the one, not the boys
Who means he, so use likes
When is result singular? When is result plural?
One result is singular. Many results are plural
Is any followed by a noun singular or plural
Do you have any questions
China is larger than any country in Africa.
China is bigger than any other African country
Both singular and plural are OK
It mainly expresses the negative meaning
One fifth of the five apples is the subject. Is the predicate singular or plural?
If it's two fifths, use the plural
Is result of followed by singular or plural
There is a saying in the book: here are the results of student activity survy at green high school
Here, why don't students add s
Student activity student activity the role of student here is equivalent to the adjective ~ there is no need to add s
Is none of the subject and the predicate singular or plural
Is it related to the following nouns,
"None" is used to refer to people and things, can be used with of, and can be used as singular or plural: none of + noun / pronoun
e.g.:None of them have arrived.
These are what our teacher said in class and can be adopted~
None of is usually followed by the plural of nouns, and the predicate verb is in the singular
None of these singers is Chinese.
Singular, it should not matter
English plural Synonym noun adverb adjective antonym
Alone equals
Switch on
As soon as possible
Get into a car antisense
Get on the bus
The antonym of possibke adverb
Exact adjective
Enter the room is equal to
The comparative degree of funny nouns
Noise noun adverb
As soon as one can get into a car, get out of a cart on the bus, get off the bus, adverb possibly, impossibly
There is a difference between phonetic sign and plural form!
book ciock bag ruler door window cap box fishbowl ball
Needless to say, these words are not plural
books [buks]
clocks [clɔks]
bags [bægz]
rulers ['ru:ləz]
doors [dɔ:z]
windows ['windəuz]
caps [kæps]
boxes ['bɔksiz] + es
Fish [fi &;] complex isomorphism
bowls [bəulz]
balls [bɔ:lz]
The general rule of inter reading is as follows
The phonetic sign of a singular word ends with a vowel, and its plural is read [Z], and its plural is read [S] at the end of a consonant
Box complex plus es
The phonetic symbols don't work