"A group of, many." and write them followed by (uncountable) nouns, singular, plural RT e. G. a number of + countable plural nouns (only countable plural nouns can be added)

"A group of, many." and write them followed by (uncountable) nouns, singular, plural RT e. G. a number of + countable plural nouns (only countable plural nouns can be added)

a crowd of;
a herd of;
a pack of;
a flock of;
a crop of;
a nest of;
a troop of;
a gang of
A proper noun ending in Y or a noun ending in a vowel letter plus y becomes plural and adds s directly. What's the pronunciation? For example, what's the pronunciation of "s" in boys
Each of + noun plural + predicate singular or plural?
It should be: each of + plural noun + singular predicate
Each of these egg hatches out into a tiny grub
Each of these eggs will hatch a small larva
Each of us has a company car.
We each have a company car
Each of them wants to try
How to change the plural form of pair
eg.a pair of
two pairs of
Direct addition of s pairs
Add s directly
It isn't his pencil box
They aren't his pencil-boxes
If the quantifier is plural in English, is the countable noun also plural
In general, two times should be followed by UN, but there are some examples of a box of apples
a piece of paper the rest of the students
In general, if the quantifier is plural and cn is added after it, CN should also be plural
Generally, but some countable nouns are homomorphic, such as Chinese, fish
You don't have to look at the form of specific nouns!
Yes, but some nouns have the same singular and plural
Is a pair of followed by a noun plural or singular?
It is a pencil box______ are_______ . like this
They are pencil-boxes
I wish you progress
The singular and plural of nouns with quantifiers
For example, rice of this kind___ Is it singular or plural
A pair of glasses is singular, so if you use glasses alone, is it two lenses, so it's plural
The singular and plural are the same as the common words
Your understanding is not wrong. There are also shoes
The plural form of a pair of
It's pairs
Pairs of can also be ah, you can also add quantifiers in front: two pairs of, etc
Two Paris of
Yes, pairs of
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I wish you progress in your study