In the plane rectangular coordinate system xoy, we call the point whose abscissa is an integer and whose ordinate is a complete square number "good point", and find the coordinates of all "good points" on the image of quadratic function y = (x-90) (x-90) - 4907

In the plane rectangular coordinate system xoy, we call the point whose abscissa is an integer and whose ordinate is a complete square number "good point", and find the coordinates of all "good points" on the image of quadratic function y = (x-90) (x-90) - 4907

Let y = m2, (x-90) 2 = K2, m and K be nonnegative integers, then k2-m2 = 7 × 701 = 1 × 4907, that is, (K-M) (K + m) = 7 × 701 = 1 × 4907 There are four "good points" in 10 points. Their coordinates are: (44412049) (- 26412049) (- 25446017209) (- 23646017209)