A topic of logical reasoning A, B, C, D children playing football, accidentally broke the neighbor's glass A said, "it was B who accidentally caused the trouble." B said, "it was C who caused the trouble." C said: "B is not telling the truth" Ding said, "it's not my fault." Only one of the four told the truth. Who told the truth? Who caused the trouble? Explain why

A topic of logical reasoning A, B, C, D children playing football, accidentally broke the neighbor's glass A said, "it was B who accidentally caused the trouble." B said, "it was C who caused the trouble." C said: "B is not telling the truth" Ding said, "it's not my fault." Only one of the four told the truth. Who told the truth? Who caused the trouble? Explain why

According to the sentence analysis, four facts are obtained, which are: "B causes trouble", "not C causes trouble", "B tells the truth" and "d causes trouble". B tells the truth and hypothesis conflict, so hypothesis does not hold, and a tells the truth
According to the sentence analysis, we get four facts respectively: "it's not B who causes the trouble", "it's C who causes the trouble", "B tells the truth" and "it's D who causes the trouble". It's only one person who breaks the glass, so the two people cause the trouble and the implied conditions don't match. So if the hypothesis doesn't work, B tells the truth
According to the analysis, we can get four facts: "it's not B who caused the trouble", "it's not C who caused the trouble", "it's B who told the lie" and "it's D who caused the trouble". There is no contradiction in the facts, and this hypothesis is tenable