(2006 · Pingliang) a supermarket (shopping mall) was stolen, and a large number of goods were transported away by the criminals by car at night. Three suspects were summoned by the police station, and the police station has mastered the following facts: (1) the criminals are not outside of Party A, Party B and Party C; (2) Party C must have Party A as an accomplice when committing a crime; (3) Party B can't drive a car. In this case, the object who can be sure is () A. Suspect B. suspect C. suspect A. suspect a and C

(2006 · Pingliang) a supermarket (shopping mall) was stolen, and a large number of goods were transported away by the criminals by car at night. Three suspects were summoned by the police station, and the police station has mastered the following facts: (1) the criminals are not outside of Party A, Party B and Party C; (2) Party C must have Party A as an accomplice when committing a crime; (3) Party B can't drive a car. In this case, the object who can be sure is () A. Suspect B. suspect C. suspect A. suspect a and C

As "a large number of goods are transported away by the criminal by car at night", according to condition (3): B is definitely not the principal offender; according to condition (1): the suspect must be between a and C; according to condition (2): if C commits a crime, a must commit it; because there is no direct evidence to prove that C committed the crime, according to condition (1) (2), a must be the suspect