Logical reasoning problem, The four people's cars are white, silver, blue and red. When they were asked about the colors of their cars, a said: B's car is not white. B said: C's car is red. C said: D's car is not blue. D said: there is one person in a, B, C's car is red, and only this person is telling the truth. If Ding is telling the truth, what colors are a, B, C and D's cars?

Logical reasoning problem, The four people's cars are white, silver, blue and red. When they were asked about the colors of their cars, a said: B's car is not white. B said: C's car is red. C said: D's car is not blue. D said: there is one person in a, B, C's car is red, and only this person is telling the truth. If Ding is telling the truth, what colors are a, B, C and D's cars?

If a, B and C are all lies, then:
A said: B is white
B: C is not red
C: Ding is blue
If a, B and C are red, then a is red, B is white, C is silver, and D is blue. According to the truth telling person's car is red, and only one of a, B and C can tell the truth, we can use B's words "C's car is red" as a breakthrough point. B can't tell the truth, otherwise B and C's cars are red, which is not in line with the meaning of the problem, So what C said is not true. So what is true is that a's car is red. According to C's false, D's car is blue. What a said is that "B's car is not white" is true, so B's car is silver, C's car is white