Please use the equation of one variable to solve it It has been carrying 260 tons of cargo and 1000 cubic meters of volume. Now it is carrying both goods a and B. It is known that the volume of goods a is 8 cubic meters per ton and that of goods B is 2 cubic meters per ton. In order to make full use of the carrying capacity and volume of the ship, how many tons of goods a and B should be loaded respectively?

Please use the equation of one variable to solve it It has been carrying 260 tons of cargo and 1000 cubic meters of volume. Now it is carrying both goods a and B. It is known that the volume of goods a is 8 cubic meters per ton and that of goods B is 2 cubic meters per ton. In order to make full use of the carrying capacity and volume of the ship, how many tons of goods a and B should be loaded respectively?

Suppose a x tons, B (260-x) tons