No matter how the sliding rheostat slides, the voltage of the appliance or resistor will remain unchanged. If it changes, what will happen? Is there one more resistor in series? 2. The voltmeter is connected between the positive and negative poles of the power supply, but there is an electrical appliance in the middle. What will be the consequence? 3. The voltmeter is connected between two points of ab. there is a bulb before AB, but the voltmeter has no indication, which means that the bulb has short circuit indication, but the lamp has open circuit. What does it mean? The change in question 1 refers to the change in the resistance of electrical appliances or series connection. If it does not change, why use sliding rheostat to change the voltage in the test to explore the relationship between current, voltage and resistance? The third question should be what happened when the voltmeter didn't show the number

No matter how the sliding rheostat slides, the voltage of the appliance or resistor will remain unchanged. If it changes, what will happen? Is there one more resistor in series? 2. The voltmeter is connected between the positive and negative poles of the power supply, but there is an electrical appliance in the middle. What will be the consequence? 3. The voltmeter is connected between two points of ab. there is a bulb before AB, but the voltmeter has no indication, which means that the bulb has short circuit indication, but the lamp has open circuit. What does it mean? The change in question 1 refers to the change in the resistance of electrical appliances or series connection. If it does not change, why use sliding rheostat to change the voltage in the test to explore the relationship between current, voltage and resistance? The third question should be what happened when the voltmeter didn't show the number

1. This is a short circuit of sliding rheostat. The sliding rheostat becomes a wire. If it changes, it can only show that the resistance will increase automatically after using the electrical appliance for a long time, and then the voltage will also change. A resistor in series will play the role of voltage division, and the voltage of the electrical appliance and the resistor will be divided less
2. Series circuit, u always = U1 + U2. Moreover, there is only one consumer in this circuit, it will divide all the voltage, and the voltmeter will also measure the power supply voltage
3. It means that the supply voltage is gathered at both ends of the open circuit