Let x1, X2 Xn is the sample of population x, the population variance exists, Xbar is the sample mean, find the correlation coefficient between X1 and Xbar

Let x1, X2 Xn is the sample of population x, the population variance exists, Xbar is the sample mean, find the correlation coefficient between X1 and Xbar

If I give you a hint, you can do it. D (x1 + Xbar) = D (x1) + D (Xbar) + 2cov (x1, Xbar), where d (x1 + Xbar) = D [(1 + 1 / N) X1 + 1 / N (x2 + X3 +...] Xn)]=(1+1/n)^2D(X1)+(1/n)^2[D(X2)+D(X3)+…… +D (xn)], and D (x1) = D (x2) = D (x3) = =D (xn) = total