Someone swam the Yangtze River upstream and lost a kettle at a. he swam forward for another 20 minutes before he found out that he had lost the kettle. He immediately returned to search for it. How many minutes did it take him to return to search for it at a distance of 2 kilometers? (return speed unchanged)

Someone swam the Yangtze River upstream and lost a kettle at a. he swam forward for another 20 minutes before he found out that he had lost the kettle. He immediately returned to search for it. How many minutes did it take him to return to search for it at a distance of 2 kilometers? (return speed unchanged)

Let v be the speed of human and V be the speed of water, then after 20 minutes of swimming, the distance between human and a point is 20 (V-V), the distance between kettle and a point is 20V, when returning, the distance between human and kettle is 20 (V-V) + 20V = 20V, when returning, the speed difference between human and kettle is V + V-V = V, the time to catch up with kettle is 20V △ v = 20 (minutes), a: it took him 20 minutes to return