PA is perpendicular to the plane of rectangle ABCD, and ab = 3cm, ad = 4cm, PA = 6 / 5 root 21cm. Calculate the distance from point P to BC and BD respectively

PA is perpendicular to the plane of rectangle ABCD, and ab = 3cm, ad = 4cm, PA = 6 / 5 root 21cm. Calculate the distance from point P to BC and BD respectively

PA is perpendicular to the plane of rectangle ABCD, PA is perpendicular to AB and PA is perpendicular to AD. because AB is perpendicular to BC and CD is perpendicular to ad, the plane of BC is perpendicular to AB, the plane of CD is perpendicular to the plane of ad PA connects Pb PD, then Pb is perpendicular to BC, PD is perpendicular to DC. In RT triangle PAB, ab = 3, PA = 6 / 5, radical 21 can be