PA is perpendicular to the plane of the square ABCD with side length a, PA = a, then the size of the dihedral angle b-pc-d is It needs a rough process

PA is perpendicular to the plane of the square ABCD with side length a, PA = a, then the size of the dihedral angle b-pc-d is It needs a rough process

Make PC vertical BN through B, and calculate BN = ((√ 6) / 3) a from the length of side. Then calculate PD = √ 2A So DN is vertical to PC, the plane angle of dihedral angle b-pc-d is angle Bnd. Connect BD, and BD = √ 2A
According to cosine theorem, cosbnd = (BN ^ 2 + DN ^ 2-bd ^ 2) / 2bn × DN = - 1 / 2
So the angle Bnd is equal to 120 degrees