If the angle between the tangent line at point a and the straight line 3x-y + 1 = 0 on the parabola y = x ^ 2 is 45 degrees, what is the coordinate of point a? What are the specific steps of this topic, how to solve the problem of the angle between tangent and straight line, and what kind of thinking should be used?

If the angle between the tangent line at point a and the straight line 3x-y + 1 = 0 on the parabola y = x ^ 2 is 45 degrees, what is the coordinate of point a? What are the specific steps of this topic, how to solve the problem of the angle between tangent and straight line, and what kind of thinking should be used?

1. Draw a schematic diagram 2. The slope of the straight line 3x-y + 1 = 0 is 3, and the angle between the tangent and the straight line 3x-y + 1 = 0 is 45 degrees. Then the slope of the tangent can be calculated (there may be more than one). 3. Suppose that the equation of the slope of the straight line is y = KX + B (above K has been solved). 4