XY ^ 4 + YZ ^ 4 + ZX ^ 4-xz ^ 4-yx ^ 4-zy ^ 4 factorization I've seen three factors (X-Y) (Y-Z) (z-x) What's next?

XY ^ 4 + YZ ^ 4 + ZX ^ 4-xz ^ 4-yx ^ 4-zy ^ 4 factorization I've seen three factors (X-Y) (Y-Z) (z-x) What's next?

The remaining factor is (XX + YY + ZZ + XY + YZ + ZX)
The original and decomposed factors are XYZ rotation, so the remaining factors must be the quadratic rotation of XYZ, that is, the form of M (XX + YY + zz) + n (XY + ZY + ZX), where m and N are coefficients. From the coefficients of the original, it is not difficult to see that the absolute values of M and N must be 1. Just try it