As shown in the figure, △ ABC, point O is a moving point on the edge of AC. make a straight line Mn ‖ BC through point O. let the bisector of the intersection angle BCA of Mn be at point E, and the bisector of the external angle ACD of △ ABC be at point F (1) Try to explain the line segment EO = fo (2) Guess: when point O moves to where, the quadrilateral aecf is a rectangle? And explain the reason

As shown in the figure, △ ABC, point O is a moving point on the edge of AC. make a straight line Mn ‖ BC through point O. let the bisector of the intersection angle BCA of Mn be at point E, and the bisector of the external angle ACD of △ ABC be at point F (1) Try to explain the line segment EO = fo (2) Guess: when point O moves to where, the quadrilateral aecf is a rectangle? And explain the reason

1. From the question, we can see that BCE = angle ECA, ACF = angle FCD, and because of Mn ‖ BC, BCE = angle CEF, FCD = angle EFC, so ECA = angle CEF, ACF = angle EFC, so EO = OC, OC = of, so EO = fo 2. When point O moves to the midpoint of edge AC, quadrilateral aecf is rectangular