Four numbers are known to form an arithmetic sequence, their sum is 36 and their product is 5760

Four numbers are known to form an arithmetic sequence, their sum is 36 and their product is 5760

Because the four numbers form an arithmetic sequence, the sum of them is 36
So these four numbers are 9-2x 9-x 9 + X 9 + 2x
Because the product is 5760
So (9-3X) (9-x) (9 + x) (9 + 3x) = 5760
So 9x fourth power - 810x & # 178; + 801 = 0
So x & # 178; = 1 or X & # 178; = 801
So x = 1
So the four numbers are 6 / 8 / 10 / 12