The taxi charge standard of a certain place is: the starting price is 4 yuan, you can take 3 km, 3 km to 5 km, 1.2 yuan per km; after 5 km, 2 yuan per km, if someone takes x (x > 5) km road, please write down the cost he pays; if he pays 10.4 yuan, can you calculate the distance he takes? (Note: KM is km)

The taxi charge standard of a certain place is: the starting price is 4 yuan, you can take 3 km, 3 km to 5 km, 1.2 yuan per km; after 5 km, 2 yuan per km, if someone takes x (x > 5) km road, please write down the cost he pays; if he pays 10.4 yuan, can you calculate the distance he takes? (Note: KM is km)

According to the meaning of the question: 4 + 2 × 1.2 + 2 (X-5) = 10.4, the solution is: x = 7