A math problem! Online and so on! About merging similar items! Merge congeners: - N & # 178; - N & # 178; - N & # 178; =? If - 3xy & # 178; + ax & # 178; = 8xy & # 178;, then a =? The m-th power y of the algebraic formula - 2x and 5x & # 179; y are the same kind of terms, and the value of 2004 power of (9m-28) can be obtained?

A math problem! Online and so on! About merging similar items! Merge congeners: - N & # 178; - N & # 178; - N & # 178; =? If - 3xy & # 178; + ax & # 178; = 8xy & # 178;, then a =? The m-th power y of the algebraic formula - 2x and 5x & # 179; y are the same kind of terms, and the value of 2004 power of (9m-28) can be obtained?
