High number: limx - π / 2 (2sinx ^ 2-sinx-1) / (SiNx ^ 2 + sinx-2) limit

High number: limx - π / 2 (2sinx ^ 2-sinx-1) / (SiNx ^ 2 + sinx-2) limit

Let t = SiNx, because X - π / 2, so T-1
Using the integral rule of composite function, we can get limt-1 (2t ^ 2-t-1) / (T ^ 2 + T-2)
Where: (2t ^ 2-t-1) / (T ^ 2 + T-2) = (2t + 1) (t-1) / (T + 2) (t-1) = (2t + 1) / (T + 2)
limt-1(2t^2-t-1)/(t^2+t-2) = limt-1(2t+1)/(t+2)=3/3=1