High quality mathematics teaching plan for large class in kindergarten

High quality mathematics teaching plan for large class in kindergarten

Large class math activity: learning the addition of 7
1. Tell according to different pictures and list the corresponding formula, so as to perceive the quantitative relationship expressed by the addition formula
2. Understand the law of exchange, know how to use the law of exchange, list another formula
3. Actively explore mathematics activities, willing to talk about the results of exploration
Activity preparation:
1. Teaching aids: a castle map (divided into three layers, each layer has three maps representing the addition of 7, covered with paper), a single piece of fruit
2. Learning tools: castle map for each person, a single fruit hand
Activity focus: look at the picture to learn the addition of 7
Activity difficulty: can tell according to different pictures, and list the corresponding formula
1、 Train: review the composition of 7
Teacher: the king of Castle Kingdom invited us to his country. Would you like to? Let's get on Train 7 (show number 7) and set out
Teacher: hehe, my train leaves at x (1), and your train leaves at x?
Young: Hey, my train leaves at x (1) and my train leaves at x (6)
2、 Situational awareness: learning the addition of 7 by looking at pictures
1. Teacher: look, the Castle Kingdom has arrived. The king said that he has hidden many problems in the castle
If you want to test our children, let's go to the biggest castle first, OK?
2. Teacher: let's go up to the first floor of the castle. It turns out that there are three pictures on this floor. Who would like to talk about them?
The king wanted to test us. Who can list a formula after looking at the three pictures? After answering, we can go to the second and third floors
3. Children's operation
Teacher: let's all go to a castle to answer questions. The slow ones can only answer on the first floor. The fast ones can go to the second and third floors. Don't forget to write your answers clearly
4. Conclusion:
Teacher: what question have you just met? (use three sentences to express three pictures) how do you answer? (children's formula) teacher's record
Ask children to observe these formulas: "they have a little secret, who can find out first“
Teacher summary: the results of these formulas are all 7, and they are all additive, so these six formulas are additive formulas of 7
Teacher: for example, 16 = 7 and 61 = 7 have the same number and different position, but the result remains the same. So when we see 16 = 7, we immediately think of 61 = 7. We call them friend problems. What do we think of when we see 25 = 7
3、 Internalization and migration -- Game: buy fruit
1. Teacher: the king of Castle country praised us very clever and gave each of us a fruit certificate. Let's see the price of the fruit first
2. The king wanted to test us again. He said, seven yuan only bought two kinds of fruit. What would you buy? Why? What else could you buy?
3. Children's operation
4. Comment: how many ways do you have? What did you buy?
5. Teacher: how about seven yuan for three kinds of fruits?
4、 End:
6. OK, let's go to the fruit shop to buy some