Use the numbers 0, 2, 5 and 7 to form the formula of multiplying two digits by two digits: 1. How many can you write? 2. What is the largest and smallest product?

Use the numbers 0, 2, 5 and 7 to form the formula of multiplying two digits by two digits: 1. How many can you write? 2. What is the largest and smallest product?

1. Because 0 can only be a bit, so as long as you choose two numbers in 2,5,7 to determine one of the factors, the other factor will be determined naturally. So there are a3,2 = 6 2, these six are all written out, 25 × 70 = 175027 × 50 = 135057 × 20 = 114052 × 70 = 364072 × 50 = 360075 × 20 = 1500, so the biggest is 5