Application questions, quick The total weight of two baskets of vegetables is 84 kg. Take 20% of them out of basket a and put them into basket B. take 2 kg out of basket B and put them into basket a. the weight of the two baskets is exactly the same. How many kg are the total weight of the two baskets?

Application questions, quick The total weight of two baskets of vegetables is 84 kg. Take 20% of them out of basket a and put them into basket B. take 2 kg out of basket B and put them into basket a. the weight of the two baskets is exactly the same. How many kg are the total weight of the two baskets?

How many kilos does each basket weigh?
Set two baskets of vegetables. The first basket weighs x kg, and the second basket weighs 84-x kg
Take 20% out of basket a and put it into basket B, with the remaining x (1-20%) in basket a and 84-x + 20% X in basket B
Then take 2 kg from basket B and put it into basket a, then the remaining x (1-20%) + 2
Basket B remaining 84-x + 20% X-2
The two baskets are equal in weight,
The solution