Average application Last year, Xiaoying's food expenditure was 3600 yuan, education expenditure was 1200 yuan, and other expenditure was 7200 yuan. This year, Xiaoying's food expenditure decreased by 9%, education expenditure increased by 70%, and other expenditure decreased by 6% calculation: (1) The total expenditure of Xiaoying family last year (2) How much has Xiaoying family increased and decreased this year? (3) Xiaoying's total expenditure this year (4) What is the percentage increase of Xiaoying's total expenditure this year compared with that of last year?

Average application Last year, Xiaoying's food expenditure was 3600 yuan, education expenditure was 1200 yuan, and other expenditure was 7200 yuan. This year, Xiaoying's food expenditure decreased by 9%, education expenditure increased by 70%, and other expenditure decreased by 6% calculation: (1) The total expenditure of Xiaoying family last year (2) How much has Xiaoying family increased and decreased this year? (3) Xiaoying's total expenditure this year (4) What is the percentage increase of Xiaoying's total expenditure this year compared with that of last year?

Last year, Xiaoying's food expenditure was 3600 yuan, education expenditure was 1200 yuan, and other expenditure was 7200 yuan. This year, Xiaoying's food expenditure decreased by 9%, education expenditure increased by 70%, and other expenditure decreased by 6%
(1) The total expenditure of Xiaoying family last year
=12000 yuan
The total expenditure of Xiaoying family last year was 12000 yuan
(2) How much has Xiaoying family increased and decreased this year?
3600 * 9% = 324 yuan
1200 * 70% = 840 yuan
7200 * 6% = 432 yuan
This year, Xiaoying's expenditure on food and drink decreased by 324 yuan, that on education increased by 840 yuan, and that on other expenses decreased by 432 yuan
(3) Xiaoying's total expenditure this year
=12084 yuan
Xiaoying's total expenditure this year is 12084 yuan
(4) What is the percentage increase of Xiaoying's total expenditure this year compared with that of last year?
The total expenditure of Xiaoying family this year is 0.7% higher than that of last year