How to understand that an event with probability equal to 1 is not necessarily an inevitable event, and an event with probability equal to 0 is not necessarily an impossible event, please elaborate in detail and give examples

How to understand that an event with probability equal to 1 is not necessarily an inevitable event, and an event with probability equal to 0 is not necessarily an impossible event, please elaborate in detail and give examples

The probability of an inevitable event is 1, and the event with a probability of 1 is not necessarily an inevitable event. For example, if [0,1] takes [0,1], the probability is 1, but it is not an inevitable event, because it may take 1
The probability of an impossible event is 0. An event with a probability of 0 is not necessarily an impossible event. For example, the probability of [0,1] taking 1 is 0, but it is still possible to take 1
In fact, if we take a random number on [0,1], the probability of rational number is 0, and the probability of irrational number is 1. But these are impossible events and not inevitable events