What is the number of 1.123456789 ^ 22? 2. Prove that 3 ^ 2000 + 4 ^ 2001 is a multiple of 5? What are the single digits of 3.77 ^ 66-33 ^ 22? 4.1 divided by 14, what is the number 1001 after the decimal point? What is the 1003rd digit after the decimal point of the quotient of 5.2 divided by 7? What is the sum of these 2003 digits? (can write a few collective questions!) quick

What is the number of 1.123456789 ^ 22? 2. Prove that 3 ^ 2000 + 4 ^ 2001 is a multiple of 5? What are the single digits of 3.77 ^ 66-33 ^ 22? 4.1 divided by 14, what is the number 1001 after the decimal point? What is the 1003rd digit after the decimal point of the quotient of 5.2 divided by 7? What is the sum of these 2003 digits? (can write a few collective questions!) quick

1. The number of 123456789 ^ 22 is 19 × 9 = 11 × 1 = 1
2. Prove that 3 ^ 2000 + 4 ^ 2001 is a multiple of 5?
The one digit number of three is one
∵ 4 & # - 178; - # - 186; - # - 186; - # - 186; is 6,
The one digit number of 2 & # 178; &# 186; &# 186; &# 185; is 4
3 ^ 2000 + 4 ^ 2001 is a multiple of 5
3. What are the single digits of 77 ^ 66-33 ^ 22?
∵7×7=9 9×9=1 1×1=1
3×3=9 9×9=1
The single digits of 77 ^ 66-33 ^ 22 are 0
What is the number 1001 after the decimal point?
1 △ 14 = 0.0714285 cycle
The quotient of 1 divided by 14 is 5
What is the 1003rd digit after the decimal point of the quotient of 5.2 divided by 7? What is the sum of these 1003 digits?
2 △ 7 = 0.285714 cycle
The 1003rd digit after the decimal point of the quotient of 2 divided by 7 is 2, and the sum of these 1003 digits is 2841