If the image of a given function passes through points a (0.3) B (2, - 3) (1), find the analytic expression of the function (2) and judge whether point C (- 2.8) is on the image of the function

If the image of a given function passes through points a (0.3) B (2, - 3) (1), find the analytic expression of the function (2) and judge whether point C (- 2.8) is on the image of the function

Let the analytic expression of the first-order function be y = KX + B / x0d and substitute it into two points a and B, then the solution of the first-order function is obtained as follows: k = - 3, - 3 = 2K + B / x0d, then the analytic expression of the first-order function is y = - 3x + 3 / x0d, so C is not on the image of the function