Even functions defined on R satisfy the following conditions: for any X &;, X &; ∈ [0, + ∞], there is f (x1) - f (x2) / x1-x2 < 0 The size order of F (3), f (- 2), f (1) (solving process)

Even functions defined on R satisfy the following conditions: for any X &;, X &; ∈ [0, + ∞], there is f (x1) - f (x2) / x1-x2 < 0 The size order of F (3), f (- 2), f (1) (solving process)

Help you analyze ha, f (x1) - f (x2) / x1-x2 < 0, explain that the sign of F (x1) - f (x2) and x1-x2 is opposite, suppose x1-x20, so when x > 0, f (x) is a decreasing function, so f (3)