It is known that the maximum value of y = a-bcos2x (b > 0) is 3 / 2 and the minimum value (- 1 / 2). The period, the maximum value and the maximum value of y = - 4asin (3bx + Pai / 3) are obtained

It is known that the maximum value of y = a-bcos2x (b > 0) is 3 / 2 and the minimum value (- 1 / 2). The period, the maximum value and the maximum value of y = - 4asin (3bx + Pai / 3) are obtained

A = 1 / 2, B = 1, replace it, you should know it, t = 2 pies / 3, when x = 7 pies / 18, max = 2, I calculate by mouth, you can calculate again, I don't make a mistake