What are the uncountable nouns in English~

What are the uncountable nouns in English~

1. Water 2. Paper 3. Exercise 4. Information 5. News 6. Food 7. Fruit 8. Mutton 9. Beef 10. Snow 11. Chicken 12. Salad 13. Housework 14. Juice 15. Ice frozen food 16, Tea 17. Waste 18. Powder 19. Rain 20. Wind 21. Hair 22. Rice 23. Population 24. Bread 25. Milk 26. Coke 27. Money 28. Jam 29. Honey 30. Chocolate 31. Fish 32. Meat 33. Space
34. Advice 35. Ink 36. Salt 37. Cake 38. Change 39. Homework 40. Traffic 41. Peace 42. Anger 43. Courage 44. Energy 45. Fear 46. Fun 47. Health 48. Time 49. Sand 50. Weather
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