What is countable noun in English? What is uncountable noun? How to distinguish? What sentence can add countable noun? What sentence can add uncountable noun I feel the answer on Baidu is not standard

What is countable noun in English? What is uncountable noun? How to distinguish? What sentence can add countable noun? What sentence can add uncountable noun I feel the answer on Baidu is not standard

Nouns can be divided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns
Uncountable noun
Uncountable nouns refer to things that can't be calculated by number, can't be divided into individual concepts, States, qualities, feelings or material things; it generally has no plural form, only singular form, and it can't be preceded by indefinite article a / an. abstract nouns, material nouns and proper nouns are generally uncountable nouns
countable noun
Countable nouns refer to people or things that can be counted and divided into individuals; therefore, they have plural forms
Functional nouns act as subjects, objects, prepositional objects, object complements, predicators and Adverbials in sentences
The bag is in the desk
The schoolbag is in the table
2. Object: I washed my clothes yesterday
I washed my clothes yesterday
This is a good book
This is a good book
We selected him our monitor
We elected him our monitor
5. Preposition object Mary lives with her parents
Mary lives with her parents
6. Attribute: he is a party member
He is a party member
Edit this paragraph
Plural of nouns
Plural of countable nouns
Countable nouns have singular and plural forms
1. Singular noun with s at the end
(example: map → maps, boy → boys, horse → horses, table → tables)
2. S, x, SH, ch with es
(example: class → classes, box → boxes, bus → buses, dish → dishes)
3. Words ending with O, when plural, have life plus es. Inanimate plus s
(hero→heroes ,negro→negroes ,tomato→,tomatoes,potato→potatoes)
4. For nouns ending with a consonant and y, change y to I, and then add es. For nouns ending with a vowel and y, add s directly
(example: family → families, city → cities, Party → parties)
5. For nouns ending with f or Fe, change f or Fe to V and add es
(example: shelf → shells, wolf → wolves, life → lives, knife → knives)
6. Add s to words ending with CE, Se, Ze, (d) ge and read | Z|
7. Irregular changes of plural nouns:
ox → oxen
an Englishman→two Englishmen
(2) Simple complex homomorphism
deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese, species,means , Swiss
Except RMB, US dollar, pound sterling and Franc all have plural forms
(3) Collective nouns, in the singular but in the plural
People police cat is a complex number
(OK :a person,a policeman,ahead of cattle , the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss )
(Error: a people,a police,a cattle )
When it is used as a general term, it is used as a complex number
The Chinese are industries and brave
(4) Nouns ending in S and still singular
1. Math, politics, physics and other subject nouns are uncountable and singular
2. News is an uncountable noun
3. The United States, the United Nations
The United Nations was organized in 1945
4. The plural titles of books, plays, newspapers and magazines can also be regarded as singular
("The ArabianNights" is a very interesting story-book. )
(5) It means something made up of two parts,
Glasses trousers clothes
To express a specific number, we should use the quantifier pair (pair, double) a pair of glasses two pairs of trousers
Suit (set)
(6) There are also some nouns whose plural sometimes means something special
Goods, waters, fish
The expression of uncountable noun quantity
(1) Material terms
a. When material nouns are transformed into individual nouns
Cake is a kind of food
These cakes are sweet
b. When a substance noun denotes the kind of substance, the noun is countable
This factory produces steel
We need variable steels
c. When material nouns denote shares, they are countable
Our country is famous for tea
Two cups of tea, please
(2) Abstract nouns are sometimes countable
Four freedoms
The four modernizations
Material nouns and abstract nouns can be quantified with the help of Unit vocabulary
A glass of water
A piece of advice
Singular and plural of people from different countries
Pithy formula: China, Japan, Switzerland do not need to change, English and French a change e, the rest of the s plus the back