English translation RT Chinese as follows, requires smooth sentences, non translation software translation, meaning just think about it. No grammatical errors (1) He fell off a ladder and died, (2) They are too arrogant to take action, (3) Seize the opportunity, the opportunity is fleeting, (4) Do some meaningful good things, such as helping people in trouble, (5) Ridicule others

English translation RT Chinese as follows, requires smooth sentences, non translation software translation, meaning just think about it. No grammatical errors (1) He fell off a ladder and died, (2) They are too arrogant to take action, (3) Seize the opportunity, the opportunity is fleeting, (4) Do some meaningful good things, such as helping people in trouble, (5) Ridicule others

1.Fell down from the ladder and died.
2.Discussing strategies on paper,too arrogance and take no practice.
3.Seize the chance,opportunities will go away soon.
4.Do something meaningful and good,like helping the people in need.
5.Sneer at the others