1. It is known that the complex numbers Z1 and Z2 satisfy 10z1 ^ 2 + 5z2 ^ 2 = 2z1z2, and Z1 + 2z2 are pure imaginary numbers. It is proved that 3z1-z2 are real numbers 2. The point corresponding to the complex Z 1 moves on the circle Z (the module of Z) which is equal to 1 in the complex plane. Find the locus of the point Z corresponding to the complex z = 1 + Z 1I

1. It is known that the complex numbers Z1 and Z2 satisfy 10z1 ^ 2 + 5z2 ^ 2 = 2z1z2, and Z1 + 2z2 are pure imaginary numbers. It is proved that 3z1-z2 are real numbers 2. The point corresponding to the complex Z 1 moves on the circle Z (the module of Z) which is equal to 1 in the complex plane. Find the locus of the point Z corresponding to the complex z = 1 + Z 1I

This is a pure imaginary number, and the square of (z1 + 2z2) is the negative number, and the square of ┄9476;9476;9476;9476;9476;9476;9476;9476;┄9476;9476\\9476\\9476\\\\\\9476\\\9476\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\2) square = positive