The imaginary part of the complex Z is not 0. And Z ^ 3 + Z + 1 = 07? I'm sorry to repeat the title: the imaginary part of the complex Z is not zero, and the cubic power of Z + Z + 1 = 0, how to find the value range of | Z |?

The imaginary part of the complex Z is not 0. And Z ^ 3 + Z + 1 = 07? I'm sorry to repeat the title: the imaginary part of the complex Z is not zero, and the cubic power of Z + Z + 1 = 0, how to find the value range of | Z |?

There is a real root and a pair of imaginary roots for the cubic equation Z & # 179; + Z + 1 = 0. The absolute values of the two imaginary roots are equal, which is a certain number. If the value range of | Z | is required, the real result can only be one number