How to use both / all / neither / none / either / each of?

How to use both / all / neither / none / either / each of?

Either of them
----Shall I come on Tuesday or Wednesday?
---- Either day is OK.
It is also used at the end of a negative sentence instead of too, as well, also in an affirmative sentence
He is not a worker, I am not either.
Either... Or Or Or Or
Either you or I am right
Neither of them knows me
Neither... Nor Neither
He has neither money nor time
All Quan and Du (above three) can modify both countable and uncountable nouns
All the books are useful to us.
All knowledge comes from practice.
All is used with the negative word not as "partial negation" to mean "not all All... "
I don't know all of them
All don't agree with you. = not all agree with you
You can take both of them
It is used with negative words to express "partial negation"
I don't know both of them
Both sides
He can both sing and dance
None of them
None of them has a bike
None as the subject predicate, the verb can be singular or plural
"Nothing" means "nothing"
----How many apples are there in the fridge?
Each (for two or more)
Each of us has a new pen.= We each have a new pen.
Used with not to indicate "partial negation"
Each of them doesn't swim
Every (used for three or more) cannot be used with of, only each of or every one of
Every (including the indefinite pronouns of everyone and everything) is used with not to express "partial negation"
Every student is not able to swim
Not everyone went there
In addition to these words, there are also several words involving "two" and "three", such as between, among and the other
2. It is either, neither, both, all, none, each that can be used with of; it is every that cannot be used with of, but every one can be used with of
3. Both, every, each, both, all and not are used together to mean "partial negation", no matter whether not is in the front or in the back. The words of total negation are none, neither. None means total negation of more than three, and neither means total negation between the two
4. There are three kinds of relationship between them
Neither a nor B a nor B
Both a and B
Either a or B