Translation of all texts in unit 1 of junior three English

Translation of all texts in unit 1 of junior three English

Module 1 Wonders of the world
Unit1 What is a wonder of the world?
Betty: OK, come in and sit down!
Daming: what's the matter?
Lingling: we are in a meeting
Daming: I don't know at all. I'm doing my homework. What will this be about?
Lingling: campus magazine
Daming: what campus magazine?
Betty: OK, attention, everyone. Did anyone watch TV last night? Did you see the interview with Becky Wang?
Lingling: she sings with crazy feet. She's my favorite singer
Tony: Yes, I have. She has been to our school!
Betty: Oh, when she was still studying here, she started a campus magazine called new standard. So why don't we also start a campus magazine? I've written down some ideas. We need to record what happens every day at school and tell you about campus concerts and dance clubs
Tony: and campus basketball
Lingling: but who writes the article?
Betty: let's write an article. Do you have any ideas?
Tony: I see. I'm going to write some comments on our favorite bands and movies!
Lingling: I want to interview Becky Wang!
Betty: great. Anyone else?
Daming: how about "homework assistant"?
Tony: Yes, some ideas about how to get good grades!
Lingling: Daming, what about your homework?
Daming: I'm writing a composition called "what is the wonder of the world?" I'm reading about the ancient pyramids in Egypt
Betty: "homework assistant". Daming, I think that's a great idea
Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Gran Canyon.
The greatest wonder of nature
It was early in the morning when I arrived. It was raining. I got out of the car, walked through a door and along a path. In the East, the sky was brightening, but the roadside was still dark. I knew it was there, but I couldn't see anything
After about 1000 meters, a stranger appeared in front of me. I asked, "am I on the right road? He knows where I'm going. He replied," yes, you'll be there in five minutes. "Finally, I came to some rocks and stopped. I looked at them carefully, but it was still too dark for me to see anything
Suddenly, the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped. The sun rose behind me, far away from the rocks. I saw the ground sink into a river in the valley below, far away from me. I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of nature
I look down at the Colorado River, which is about 2000 meters away from me. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon, they can't reach the top. Then I look at the other side of the canyon. How far is it? 20000 meters, maybe more. Finally, I look left and right. On both sides, the Grand Canyon disappears in the distance More than 400 kilometers long. The Grand Canyon is not only big. It's huge!
On the edge of the Grand Canyon that morning, I asked myself a question. It's not "how deep is it?" or "how wide is it?" or "how long is it?" but "is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder in nature?" I know the answer. But what do you think?