The speed ratio of car a and car B is 5 to 4. After meeting, car a and car B go on at the same speed The speed ratio of a and B is 5 to 4. After meeting, car a and car B continued to move forward at the original speed. When car a arrives at B, car B is 60 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers did car B travel when they met?

The speed ratio of car a and car B is 5 to 4. After meeting, car a and car B go on at the same speed The speed ratio of a and B is 5 to 4. After meeting, car a and car B continued to move forward at the original speed. When car a arrives at B, car B is 60 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers did car B travel when they met?

Time is fixed, speed is proportional to distance
At the same time, the distance of car a: the distance of car B = the speed of car a: the speed of car B = 5:4
Car B travels four fifths of car a
A. B distance between the two places = 60 (1-4 / 5) = 300 km
When they meet, car B takes 4 / (5 + 4) = 4 / 9 of the distance between a and B, and car B takes 300 × 4 / 9 = 400 / 3km