The automobile engine is connected with the rear wheel through the transmission. When the automobile moves forward from standstill, the direction of friction between the front wheel and the rear wheel is () A. The friction of the front wheel is forward, the friction of the rear wheel is backward B. the friction of the front wheel is backward, the friction of the rear wheel is forward C. the friction of the front and rear wheels are backward D. the friction of the front and rear wheels are forward

The automobile engine is connected with the rear wheel through the transmission. When the automobile moves forward from standstill, the direction of friction between the front wheel and the rear wheel is () A. The friction of the front wheel is forward, the friction of the rear wheel is backward B. the friction of the front wheel is backward, the friction of the rear wheel is forward C. the friction of the front and rear wheels are backward D. the friction of the front and rear wheels are forward

Because the transmission is connected with the rear wheel, the rear wheel turns forward actively, moves backward relative to the ground, and suffers forward friction, AC error; when the car moves forward, the front wheel moves forward relative to the ground, so suffers backward friction from the ground, B is correct, D is wrong, so select B