On the afternoon of May 31, this year, there was a hailstorm in Beijing urban area. Assuming that the mass of M hail fell from the height of H, in the process of falling, the resistance was proportional to the square of the falling speed of the hail, and the proportional coefficient was K, then the maximum speed that the hail could reach was______ (it can be considered that the mass of hail will not change in the process of falling)

On the afternoon of May 31, this year, there was a hailstorm in Beijing urban area. Assuming that the mass of M hail fell from the height of H, in the process of falling, the resistance was proportional to the square of the falling speed of the hail, and the proportional coefficient was K, then the maximum speed that the hail could reach was______ (it can be considered that the mass of hail will not change in the process of falling)

In the process of falling hail with mass m, it is affected by gravity g and air resistance F. at the beginning of falling, when G > F, the hail accelerates to fall. With the increase of hail velocity, the resistance is also increasing. When the resistance is equal to gravity, that is, when g = F, the hail begins to move downward at a uniform speed